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Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 A review of [REDACTED] has been postponed until such time that I have been fully indoctrinated into the Everlasting Church of [COMPANY REDACTED] and can give it a 100-percent objective review that awards it nothing short of its heaven-mandated glowing 100/100 score, untouched by such vile, hateful and bigotry-laced biases as 'independent thought' or 'legitimate criticisms of its general design, severe performance issues and game killing bugs, its overall puerile tone or deliberate and entirely unnecessary health risks to, as this game's fans might just call them, "genetically inferior heathens who will never be worthy of its majesty anyway"'.  The apostles of the almighty [COMPANY REDACTED] have also made clear that any attempt to criticize [REDACTED]'s handling of any 'adult' topic it attempts to present (which I am reliably informed is all of them, because this is scripture for only the most mature and enlightened of peoples like James Woods and Andrew Tate and Chris Taylor Brown) will result in me being labeled a 'bigot', doxxed and thrown to the wolves on every hate forum and social media platform they can flood with bots and sociopathic incels for the rest of time.  And I'd deserve it; after all, even the most earnest critique of a AAA video game that's been hyped up more than the coming of Yeshua is a direct, vicious attack on everyone who named it humanity's crowning achievement years before they ever played a single second of it.  As gamers are also undeniably the most oppressed and marginalized group in the history of the world, saying even slightly unkind words about them or their god [COMPANY REDACTED] is also 1:1 equivalent to inciting an ethnic cleansing campaign on par with those of Saddam Hussein.  Anyone who has their fee-fees hurt is likewise just as wronged by my actions as those in the Fedayeen's unmarked mass graves.

Furthermore, I stand corrected over my assertions that [COMPANY REDACTED]'s followers engage in grotesque mental exercises like doublethink.  Likewise, my perception that cyberpunk (the genre) is a cautionary tale about monolithic mega-corporations and their figureheads being elevated to cult-like status and power and a celebration of those who express individuality and fight for the personal freedoms of all... is just plain incorrect.  Likewise, the monolithic mega-corporation [COMPANY REDACTED]'s marks apostles' are fully within their rights as fans to funnel every dime they can into their god's coffers in exchange for nothing of consequence; instantly and thoughtlessly discard evidence of their God-king's wrongdoings, including but not limited to flagrant exploitation of their employeescreators and consumers, and waging war in their God-king's name via every avenue they can, up to and including attempted murder.  Furthermore [COMPANY REDACTED] themselves are within their rights to encourage or fabricate waves of positive PR to conveniently offset whatever negative publicity they can't make disappear with a phone call, and play the hero in a massive and conveniently timed data breach.  After all, there is no evidence proving it was staged for publicity, and if plausible deniability exists, that means they're 100% innocent legally and beyond all reproach in the court of public opinion; to say otherwise is to invite physical harm.

In conclusion, [COMPANY REDACTED] is the one true God, and any assertions to the contrary are simple delusion born of undiagnosed birth defects, schizophrenia, autism and, to quote the follower collective, "being miserable degenerate tranny pedo faggot byproducts of incest who should have been raped and murdered in high school just like all the fags I rape and kill everyday in-game lolololol'.  Please stand by until such flaws are permanently ironed from the public psyche through vigorous, sustained harassment informational campaigns.  All who are not among their numbers must cast aside such false saviors as "every other holy text or work of art created in any medium, ever" to accept the holy [REDACTED] as the indelible word of God and [COMPANY REDACTED] as the one true savior who will lead the true believers to the promised land and purge the heathens in nuclear fire.  But until that day comes, remember the motto of the pious: Be Excellent To Each Other, But Only If You Speak, Act And Think In 100 Percent Lockstep With What You've Been Told To Think By Your Infallible Corporate Messiah. CYBERPUNK!