YIIK is a game that clearly wanted to be seen as something profound, but mostly just feels like a series of comically misguided mistakes. Combat utilizes timed button presses and minigames akin to games like Paper Mario and Undertale, but ends up being so drawn-out and arduous (normal enemy fights can easily exceed twenty minutes in length, to say nothing of bosses) that you'll get tired of it very quickly. Its protagonist, allegedly a "flawed person you'll come to like on his journey" does no such thing, mostly coming off as a manipulative sociopath who never even thinks twice about all the damage he does, let alone attempts to make amends or become a better person in the end. The story is Persona 4 crossed with the worst kind of I-read-the-CliffsNotes-version-of-SchrΓΆdinger-and-Nietzsche-and-now-I'm-above-it-all shlock, with droning walls of badly acted, redundantly worded purple prose that try so desperately to sound smart and poignant and are mostly just grating and self-indulgent. But what really sours the milk for me is the creator's attitude. His reaction to criticism of the game was to simply attack its detractors, claiming that "video games are for babies" and that they just aren't smart/mature enough to understand his big important masterwork and whatever 'profound message' he imagines it contains. No guy, we get it; unlike you, though, we recognize it as yet another piece that calls itself 'revolutionary' and 'poignant' when it's shamelessly derivative, self-aggrandizing and lacks any genuine appreciation of the other works it's clearly cribbing from. You've fallen into the same trap as other dollar store visionaries like Zeboyd and Ken Levine and Polytron, completely disregarding the ingenuity and passion behind games you allegedly admire and instead saying "Wow, this sure is popular; if I make a knockoff of it to serve as a vehicle for my own hobby horses and disingenuous moralizing, then I'LL be regarded as a genius too!". Too bad you also forgot that for every knockoff game that breaks even, there's at least a dozen that are quickly discarded and forgotten. Persona itself even has some perfect examples; you sure as hell don't hear anyone talking about Mind Zero or Tokyo Xanadu or Conception these days, do you? (And to further cement my point: all of those games are less than ten years old.)

Publisher: Ysbryd Games
Released: 2019
Platforms: PC, MacOS, Playstation 4, Switch