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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Golden Axe Warrior

Early action-RPGs like Ys The Legend of Zelda proved to be very influential, with numerous other companies trying their own takes on the format - some quite successfully.  Most people know about titles like Crystalis and Neutopia and Lagoon and Wonder Boy, but considerably less well-known is a fairly rare Master System title known as Golden Axe Warrior.  Already having a dark fantasy hit in Golden Axe, it was a fairly simple matter to translate it world and characters to an action-RPG format, and they did an admirable job replicating Zelda's gameplay - the action is smooth and the hit detection solid, though the Master System's two-button controller means you're limited to equipping just one item at a time (used with button 2) and bringing up the menu with button 1 whenever you need to switch.  The hit detection is also a bit spotty - enemies can seemingly clip you almost every time they come near while your own weapons require near perfect precision to land.  There are a few improvements on the original Zelda format, though - one is that there are towns with interactable NPCs and shops, which makes the world feel a bit more alive.  Another is that you have a magic meter, which proves handy not just for attacking enemies at range, but clearing some obstacles from your path.  You're also given two types of melee weapons - axes can chop trees and have a wider swing, but shorter range than a thrusting sword.  A solid, well-made Zelda clone that actually improves upon the original in a few ways.  It's also quite a spendy title these days if you're looking for an original copy, but thankfully there is a cheaper alternative - the game is an unlockable bonus on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for XBox 360 and PS3.

Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
Released: 1991
Platforms: Sega Master System