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Monday, July 15, 2024

Linda³ (Cube) Again

A cult classic game noted for its off-beat design and relatively unique premise; indeed, I learned of it from a cutscene compilation on Youtube and wondered just what all these sequences of bizarre body horror could possibly amount to when it came to an RPG narrative.  The answer, unfortunately, wasn't as deep as I'd hoped.  The "Cube" of the title refers to the fact that rather than being one contiguous story, Linda³ is actually three separate, non-connected takes on the same basic plot, all taking place within the same world and starring mostly the same cast of characters.  The core premise remains the same in all three - collect a specified number of pairs of animals and launch the Ark before a meteor destroys planet Neo Kenya in 8 years - but each story has its own unique subplots, twists and areas to explore.  That said, though, they mostly take a backseat to the core gameplay of collecting animals by defeating them in combat.  Indeed, you don't even need to wrap up the backing plot proper in most cases; once Ken and Linda have cleared their respective hurdles and you have enough animals to activate the Ark, you can set off at any time and view the ending.  The monster catching itself is far simpler than something like Megami Tensei or Pokemon - you just reduce a monster's HP low enough (or just a bit below zero) and they'll automatically be captured.  However, if you inflict too much damage (well in excess of their max HP in a single blow), they'll simply explode instead and you won't capture them nor gain experience, so some creative equipment swapping or skill use may be required.  Some animals also have specific requirements to get them to approach (carrying rotten meat) while others can simply be found or purchased, and your party can contain up to two dogs to aid you in battle, who mostly act of their own accord.  Other interesting mechanics include being able to butcher any animal for meat, which restores HP but may also have negative side effects, or even crafting them into weapons and armor, some of which can be sold for rather ludicrous sums of money.  The game certainly revels in its strangeness with the aforementioned wild cutscenes and an often dark sense of humor, but the fairly pedestrian/grindy gameplay and short, disconnected narrative(s) don't do it too many favors.

I should also note there are three different versions of Linda³ - the original PC Engine CD release, a 1997 PlayStation 1 version that reworks most of the graphics and adds an extra scenario that serves as a one-year time trial (appending the subtitle "Again"), and a third version on the Saturn the following year called "Kanzenban" (Perfect Edition) that adds a bit more content and uncensors some elements of the PlayStation release.  There is a fan translation available for the PS1 version as of 2024.

Developer: Alfa System, Mars Corporation
Publisher: NEC, Sony Computer Entertainment, ASCII Corporation
Released: 1995, 1997, 1998
Platforms: PC Engine CD, PlayStation 1, Sega Saturn